A good but packed holiday season finally comes to an end. With it, here are a few developments I was busy with during November and December, as the semester came to a close..
Juror for the Warwick Center for the Arts
I was honored to serve as the juror for the show “Brave New World” a showcase of digital art on display at the Warwick Center for the Arts. I was quite impressed by the variety and quality of the work submitted!
As juror, I had one of my artworks on display as well- my digital print “Supercharge”

Awarded Honorable Mention at the Winter’s Eve juried show
One of the annual events that artists in the area have come to look forward to is the annual “Winter’s Eve” show hosted by the Friends of the East Greenwich Library. This year, I was pleasantly surprised to earn the award of Honorable Mention for my digital print “Finally Found it!”

So all in all, a very good season. I now look forward to the various exhibitions taking place in the coming year!